Time to visit Takasimaya !
Taipei has so many malls. From small to big to bigger. They even have 24 hr mall. But for some reason I like to go to this Takasimaya Department store. I think sometimes if you go to a big mall/department store , the more stuff they have the smaller is your chances to actually buy something. Sometimes too much is just too much.
Today I saw my perfect gold shoes ! I love it so much, it looks exactly like the one that Sarah Jessica Parker is wearing in Sex in the city. Unfortunately they don't carry my size. My mom asked me if I want different shoes but if I can't get the shoes that I like, I rather not buy any other shoes.
Even though I left the mall empty handed but at least my parents are having a blast buying gifts for their friends and family.
I think I am happy as long as we can go out together as a family. After living so long in foreign country , you just appreciate even more the time that you spend with your family. Especially with your family that you don't see that often.
My son said something today in the mall. We were huddle together at that time discussing about which shoes my mom should buy and suddenly my son said " I love this !". I asked him what did he mean by that. Then he explain like this " I love us to gather like a family like this ! ". Ah... sometimes the truth comes from a babe's mouth. They do know how to say it don't they?
My son posing while we are waiting for Takasimaya to open

I love my grandpa - this is taken at the food court in Takasimaya dept. store

Feeding the fish in Takasimaya

Posing in front of the aquarium in Takasimaya Dept. store
Today I saw my perfect gold shoes ! I love it so much, it looks exactly like the one that Sarah Jessica Parker is wearing in Sex in the city. Unfortunately they don't carry my size. My mom asked me if I want different shoes but if I can't get the shoes that I like, I rather not buy any other shoes.
Even though I left the mall empty handed but at least my parents are having a blast buying gifts for their friends and family.
I think I am happy as long as we can go out together as a family. After living so long in foreign country , you just appreciate even more the time that you spend with your family. Especially with your family that you don't see that often.
My son said something today in the mall. We were huddle together at that time discussing about which shoes my mom should buy and suddenly my son said " I love this !". I asked him what did he mean by that. Then he explain like this " I love us to gather like a family like this ! ". Ah... sometimes the truth comes from a babe's mouth. They do know how to say it don't they?
My son posing while we are waiting for Takasimaya to open

I love my grandpa - this is taken at the food court in Takasimaya dept. store

Feeding the fish in Takasimaya

Posing in front of the aquarium in Takasimaya Dept. store
