In Taiwan
Well, hello again ! In my first entry I explain about my fear that I would forget something when I am going to travel. For the first time I really forget something important ! I left my purse at home just when we are about to arrive in airport ! I have to tell the driver to return me home and then go back again to the airport. As a result it cost me a lot more. If I don't have to return home, I only have to pay $ 25 ( maybe ), but since I have to return again, I have to pay $ 60 ! To make it worse, the driver really trying to cheat me by taking the long way even though I kept telling him again and again to take the highway but he pretend he didn't understand English !!!
But that's about the only thing that went wrong with this trip. Kai Kai fell asleep so soundly right after we sat in the airplane and did not wake up until 6 hours later. The rest of 6 hours he spent it by playing quietly in his chair. He only went once to the washroom ! He also ate so well. He kept saying that he is so happy that he is going to Taiwan.
We arrived in Taipei around 5.30 AM. No problem at all. My parent and brother in laws are already there ready to pick us up and take us home. Again, Kai Kai really listen to me that for the first day he better rest as much as he can so he won't get sick. I am glad he listen so well.
For breakfast, my mom took us to see my brother in law's new apartment. Even though we did not see the inside, we only take a short tour at the facility and the outside of the building, that building is gorgeous !
Then, my mom took us to see the new public market where she went to buy fresh produce. The place is clean and pretty fun to visit. The first floor was for restaurants, snack stores, boutiques, shoes stores, etc. Then the second floor is for the fresh produce area. I took a lot of pictures there. I love to see how everything that we usually take for granted are being made on the premises. For example like the dried shredded pork ( Abon ), they made it fresh there. All sort of dumplings are also made there. I love to see how fresh their seafoods are. They even sell the fresh shark fin too ! And I have never seen "Dorang" fish that huge in my life !
We had a nice experience too there with one of the snack seller. She was so impress with KK's good behavior that she came to talk to us. When she say hello to KK in Chinese, KK did not reply because he did not understand, but after we explained to her that KK only understand English, she directly switch to English and this time off course KK reply to her questions. She said she has been watching KK for a while and she said KK is so well behave. Even though he did not ate , he kept sit and waiting quietly for us to finish our food. She said usually kids that age in here always running around everywhere but KK did not. Then she told KK that he can ate anything he wants in her store as much as he want. But instead of being greedy, KK took his sweet time to choose carefully what he wants to eat and just take one piece only. That really impress the seller a lot more! As a result she kept giving KK more snacks to try ! Actually not just KK that get the free invitation to try anything, we also get it too ! What a nice woman ! Off course we ended up buying some, hahaha !
My mom also proudly showing off her grandson to every sellers in that market. And KK always say hello to every one of them exactly the way we taught him too in Chinese.
Then we went back home to rest to get our strength back first.

My husband and Kai Kai inside my brother in law's new apartment building in Taipei.

Taste this noodle Kai Kai

Assorment of fish balls. They come in so many different shapes and colors !

Making the dried shreded pork ( abon )

Selling meats and seafood. All of them are so fresh !

Beautifull fishes, so fresh, only a couple hours from when they were caught from the sea.
But that's about the only thing that went wrong with this trip. Kai Kai fell asleep so soundly right after we sat in the airplane and did not wake up until 6 hours later. The rest of 6 hours he spent it by playing quietly in his chair. He only went once to the washroom ! He also ate so well. He kept saying that he is so happy that he is going to Taiwan.
We arrived in Taipei around 5.30 AM. No problem at all. My parent and brother in laws are already there ready to pick us up and take us home. Again, Kai Kai really listen to me that for the first day he better rest as much as he can so he won't get sick. I am glad he listen so well.
For breakfast, my mom took us to see my brother in law's new apartment. Even though we did not see the inside, we only take a short tour at the facility and the outside of the building, that building is gorgeous !
Then, my mom took us to see the new public market where she went to buy fresh produce. The place is clean and pretty fun to visit. The first floor was for restaurants, snack stores, boutiques, shoes stores, etc. Then the second floor is for the fresh produce area. I took a lot of pictures there. I love to see how everything that we usually take for granted are being made on the premises. For example like the dried shredded pork ( Abon ), they made it fresh there. All sort of dumplings are also made there. I love to see how fresh their seafoods are. They even sell the fresh shark fin too ! And I have never seen "Dorang" fish that huge in my life !
We had a nice experience too there with one of the snack seller. She was so impress with KK's good behavior that she came to talk to us. When she say hello to KK in Chinese, KK did not reply because he did not understand, but after we explained to her that KK only understand English, she directly switch to English and this time off course KK reply to her questions. She said she has been watching KK for a while and she said KK is so well behave. Even though he did not ate , he kept sit and waiting quietly for us to finish our food. She said usually kids that age in here always running around everywhere but KK did not. Then she told KK that he can ate anything he wants in her store as much as he want. But instead of being greedy, KK took his sweet time to choose carefully what he wants to eat and just take one piece only. That really impress the seller a lot more! As a result she kept giving KK more snacks to try ! Actually not just KK that get the free invitation to try anything, we also get it too ! What a nice woman ! Off course we ended up buying some, hahaha !
My mom also proudly showing off her grandson to every sellers in that market. And KK always say hello to every one of them exactly the way we taught him too in Chinese.
Then we went back home to rest to get our strength back first.

My husband and Kai Kai inside my brother in law's new apartment building in Taipei.

Taste this noodle Kai Kai

Assorment of fish balls. They come in so many different shapes and colors !

Making the dried shreded pork ( abon )

Selling meats and seafood. All of them are so fresh !

Beautifull fishes, so fresh, only a couple hours from when they were caught from the sea.
