Our First Egg Hunt Party

My dear...dear friend, MaryAnn, blessed her heart, is so kind enough to throw an Easter Egg Hunt Party for us! Beside the party, she also invited Kai Kai to have his first sleep over in her house with James, Kai Kai's old classmate. Kai Kai has such a wonderful time there until he forgot all about us! They play and play. They took a bath together. They slept together. MaryAnn even took Kai Kai to a children show in Granville Island because she has an extra ticket ( her husband, Vince, couldn't go because he has to work on Easter Monday ). Kai Kai absolutely love the show too!

I tell you, this family is so... so... so super kind!
OK, on Sunday, first we went to our church minus Kai Kai off course because MaryAnn took him to her church. Just Richard, me and La La. La La is so sweet, even though she is not asleep, she can sit still and so quietly in her car seat for 1.5 hrs in the church! I still remember when Kai Kai was a baby, we couldn't hear the sermon until he is 1.5 years old because he always cried in the nursery room so we had to stay with him the whole time.

Then from the church we went to MaryAnn and Vince's home for the Egg Hunt Party. I brought a pound cake in the shape of a heart ( I am trying on my new cake pan! ) and then dust the cake with powder sugar and top it in the middle with macerated strawberries! Yum! They look so wonderful until I forgot to take the picture! I add strawberry essence on the cake beside the vanilla essence. Smell even yummier.
As I told you at my previous blog, instead of bringing 10 eggs, today I bring 74 eggs! I think I did the right thing. Those kids are having a blast because I bring so many eggs! They can collect eggs as many as they want.
KK definitely having the time of his life, running around, looking for eggs in MaryAnn's backyard. Those eggs are filled with toys and candies! Later those kids are busy stuffing their mouth with chocolate and candies, or trade their toys with other kids, or just enjoying their toys. I love to see them so happy!

We had a wonderfull lunch as well, because the food is just so plentifull!
The guests are all very nice and very friendly to us. Most of them has babies as well so we don't feel akward because we are all have children and babies! We talked about our children and our babies a lot.
We stayed there for over 4 hours and we enjoy every minute of it!
Thank you MaryAnn, Vince, James and Jessica Agregado! You guys have hearts of gold!

... Vince and MaryAnn, both on the left and Jessica , the girl with the yellow jacket ...

... my sweet baby always so quiet and peacefull ...

... James, Kai Kai best friend ...