A very busy month
Since I returned from Asia in March 15, my days has been filled with so many activities. It's been a month since then and my memory is a bit sketchy but luckily my trusty camera help me to remember what happen around those times. This is why I strongly suggest for people to record their life with camera ! And now a days when the price of a digital camera is so reasonable, hey... you really have no excuse not to buy one already !!! Even your cellphones has it !!! Come on people !!! Let's start taking pictures !!!
Anywayyyy..... let see. The first week that I returned to Vancouver has been all about family. I miss my family so much so we spent the whole week together doing family activities, mainly go where my son told us to go ! And he likes to go to the park to ride his bike, scooter or just run !
So we went to Stanley park for some exercise, and that means my son will ride his bike, my husband will rollerbladding and me? Well... I walk. Because that's the only I can do. I can't even ride a bike ! Why? Because when I was small my cousin taught me how to ride a bike. At that time I just started to learn so I couldn't really ride the bike yet and one day, my best friend Wike show me her cousin's new bike. It so cool because it has gears on it. The first thing I did when I come home, I told my father all about that cool bike and I want to have it so I can ride bike soooo fast to schoool everyday in downtown Surabaya. Did I mention before that I am an only child ? Well, needless to say, my father stop me right then and there from learning anything anymore about riding a bike ! There goes my dream to be a female Lance Armstrong!
OK, so everytime we went to Stanley Park, I make sure we stop in Vancouver Aquarium even though my son refused to go. Well, with the 99 dollars membership fee I just paid for us, we better go there and say hello to NEMO as many as I said !
The same rules apply for VanDusen Botanical Garden too since we are members there !
And... Science World too !
That is what makes living in Vancouver with kids are so great.
Beside spending time ( and money ) in the parks, gardens, and aquarium. We also went to Lansdowne Carnival. Every spring time, Lansdowne Mall will have a Carnival in their parking lot. We went there 3 yrs in a row now. My son just love to go there and now since the Carnival is already over, he is already dreaming of Canada Day Carnival ( July 1 ) and Summer Fairground in PNE.
There was one inccident in the carnival when my son went down on a giant slide and bump his head really hard. That was almost giving me a heart attack since I was so near to him I can hear the sound. I even caught it on my camera since I use continous shots. But it just too painfull to me to even put it in here for you to see ! Sorry guys... maybe in the next 20 yrs I will post it for you.
On happier tone, we also had a great time together when my cousin Liza and her family were here. She has a 3.5 yrs old boy named Nathan and my son just love to play with his cousin. It touch my heart that my son is so caring with his younger cousin. He even help put the shoes on his cousin's feet. I can tell that my son will be a great big brother if one day we will have another child. I am just not sure if he will still be a great big brother if he has a sister.... hmmmm....
While my son play with his cousin, I also share some great moment talking to Liza and her husband, Sani. I wish they can move up here in Vancouver ! Haha !
One thing for sure also, I want them to have a great time in my home and eat well while they are here. Not too worry, eating in Vancouver is always a treat. You can bet on it.
If you want you can see her BLOG as well, here is her address : http://tambatanhidup.blogspot.com/
Actually she is the one who introduce me to the joy of rambling on internet....
She has great photos too there. She took a photography class before while I never do that.
In a more serious tone, my son started to go to a Chinese School every Saturday. While in Montessori he never has homeworks, here he has soooo many homeworks. Jeez....lucky I never go to school in Taiwan, China or HK. Just in case you do not know about writing Chinese Character. there are rules on which lines you have to draw first. Every strokes is calculated based on this rule. Once you get it you can write with more confidence. But to teach that rule to a kid is so hard. Especially my son already knows how to write ABC and there is no rule on how to write ABC as long as they look like ABC. Not so with Chinese Character. The first week my son went to Chinese school, he draw cars on all of his homework papers and even glued them to make an airplane ! He has no idea what homework is . He did not understand when the teacher speak Chinese to him. He understood simple daily conversation like eat, drink, naughty, sleep. Nothing prepare him for school words.
Helping my son doing his homework takes a whole day especially when I don't even want to try to pronouce the word because I know I will probably ruin it for him since my intonation is all wrong. So I left that part for my husband. But I can help him with the writing since I took a short couse of Chinese before.
Then start from this week, my son has to go to 3 extra classes that his father enroll him. On Tuesday it's a Clay Making class. On Wednesday is Tap Dancing class and on Friday is Gym class. So far we have been to the clay making class and he loves it ! Which boy who does not love playing with mud looking substance ? Then yesterday my son absolutely refused to join the tap dancing class. So we can only watch from the side. We haven't been to the Gym class yet so I can't tell if he likes it or not. It was nice as well that every classes he went so far always has his Montessori classmates there. So he knows someone there at least. I guess maybe I am the last parent who send their kid to take some of this fun short courses in Community Centre.
Alright, I think that pretty much covers my whole month diary. Haha.. it was fast short enough isnt it?

Look at our hands all dirty with the clay and we love it !

Kai Kai is trying to make his masterpiece. After finish today, the teacher will burn the clay for next week class.

My son showing off his clay worm to the teacher. This week is his first time to go to the Clay Building class at Minoru Community Centre.

Nathan, my nephew, isn't he so cute?

Playing together at the indoor playground in Kids Market.

The view of inside the Puppets & Kites Store from above.

My cousin Eliza standing in front of Puppets & Kites Store in Kids Market, Granville Island.

At the Vancouver Aquarium.

Eating out in Vancouver is like heaven. We had a great big dim sum lunch today.

Kai Kai said he loves Nathan very much when he saw me posting this photo.

Kai Kai also loves to hold hand with Nathan. Well... with everybody else too actually.

Kai Kai wants to be a big brother to Nathan his younger cousin. He even wants to help Nathan wears his shoes.I think he will be a great big brother someday. He truly cares about Nathan. He always tells Nathan to be carefull.

Kai Kai's writing Chinese.

Kai Kai's first time to do his Chinese homework with papa's help.

Lansdowne Carnival 2005

We will definitely come again next year to this Carnival !

"I won this dragon in the Carnival. I love it ! Last year I won a Clown fish that is still my favorite also"

Again the lady who was in charge of this ride is so nice too, she stop the car at the best photo spot then even invite me to enter so I can be close enough to take KK's photo.

The guy who in charge of this ride is so nice, he saw that I could not get a good clear shot of KK , so at the end of the ride, he dragged it closer so I can make this photo shot.

Kai Kai on the super slide. This is the slide where later he will bump his head. Lucky it was only loud but the pain went away pretty fast.

Helicopter ride.

My son loves to ride this boom boom car ! To bad here he is not allowed to drive it, in Indonesia he is allowed to drive it as long as he sit on his father's lap. Different country different rules.

My son looks so happy. He did not scared at all even though I am....

Look how excited Kai Kai is riding this fast ride ! He insist on sitting at the front !

My son loves to ride old cars and this car looks like his favorite car. He just loves it!

We will definitely come again next year to this Carnival !

"I won this dragon in the Carnival. I love it ! Last year I won a Clown fish that is still my favorite also"

Again the lady who was in charge of this ride is so nice too, she stop the car at the best photo spot then even invite me to enter so I can be close enough to take KK's photo.

The guy who in charge of this ride is so nice, he saw that I could not get a good clear shot of KK , so at the end of the ride, he dragged it closer so I can make this photo shot.

Kai Kai on the super slide. This is the slide where later he will bump his head. Lucky it was only loud but the pain went away pretty fast.

Helicopter ride.

My son loves to ride this boom boom car ! To bad here he is not allowed to drive it, in Indonesia he is allowed to drive it as long as he sit on his father's lap. Different country different rules.

My son looks so happy. He did not scared at all even though I am....

Look how excited Kai Kai is riding this fast ride ! He insist on sitting at the front !

My son loves to ride old cars and this car looks like his favorite car. He just loves it!

I am riding a cool bike in Lansdowne Carnival

"I love you so much"

Smiling at the flowers.

"I love you"

Pulling Papa along for a ride.

Wonderfull spring day at Stanley Park.

Swinging in Stanley Park.

Back to Stanley Park Playground.

Under the flowering tree in VanDusen.

Relaxing in VanDusen Botanical Garden.

Touching the starfish in Vancouver Aquarium.

A day in Stanley Park.
Anywayyyy..... let see. The first week that I returned to Vancouver has been all about family. I miss my family so much so we spent the whole week together doing family activities, mainly go where my son told us to go ! And he likes to go to the park to ride his bike, scooter or just run !
So we went to Stanley park for some exercise, and that means my son will ride his bike, my husband will rollerbladding and me? Well... I walk. Because that's the only I can do. I can't even ride a bike ! Why? Because when I was small my cousin taught me how to ride a bike. At that time I just started to learn so I couldn't really ride the bike yet and one day, my best friend Wike show me her cousin's new bike. It so cool because it has gears on it. The first thing I did when I come home, I told my father all about that cool bike and I want to have it so I can ride bike soooo fast to schoool everyday in downtown Surabaya. Did I mention before that I am an only child ? Well, needless to say, my father stop me right then and there from learning anything anymore about riding a bike ! There goes my dream to be a female Lance Armstrong!
OK, so everytime we went to Stanley Park, I make sure we stop in Vancouver Aquarium even though my son refused to go. Well, with the 99 dollars membership fee I just paid for us, we better go there and say hello to NEMO as many as I said !
The same rules apply for VanDusen Botanical Garden too since we are members there !
And... Science World too !
That is what makes living in Vancouver with kids are so great.
Beside spending time ( and money ) in the parks, gardens, and aquarium. We also went to Lansdowne Carnival. Every spring time, Lansdowne Mall will have a Carnival in their parking lot. We went there 3 yrs in a row now. My son just love to go there and now since the Carnival is already over, he is already dreaming of Canada Day Carnival ( July 1 ) and Summer Fairground in PNE.
There was one inccident in the carnival when my son went down on a giant slide and bump his head really hard. That was almost giving me a heart attack since I was so near to him I can hear the sound. I even caught it on my camera since I use continous shots. But it just too painfull to me to even put it in here for you to see ! Sorry guys... maybe in the next 20 yrs I will post it for you.
On happier tone, we also had a great time together when my cousin Liza and her family were here. She has a 3.5 yrs old boy named Nathan and my son just love to play with his cousin. It touch my heart that my son is so caring with his younger cousin. He even help put the shoes on his cousin's feet. I can tell that my son will be a great big brother if one day we will have another child. I am just not sure if he will still be a great big brother if he has a sister.... hmmmm....
While my son play with his cousin, I also share some great moment talking to Liza and her husband, Sani. I wish they can move up here in Vancouver ! Haha !
One thing for sure also, I want them to have a great time in my home and eat well while they are here. Not too worry, eating in Vancouver is always a treat. You can bet on it.
If you want you can see her BLOG as well, here is her address : http://tambatanhidup.blogspot.com/
Actually she is the one who introduce me to the joy of rambling on internet....
She has great photos too there. She took a photography class before while I never do that.
In a more serious tone, my son started to go to a Chinese School every Saturday. While in Montessori he never has homeworks, here he has soooo many homeworks. Jeez....lucky I never go to school in Taiwan, China or HK. Just in case you do not know about writing Chinese Character. there are rules on which lines you have to draw first. Every strokes is calculated based on this rule. Once you get it you can write with more confidence. But to teach that rule to a kid is so hard. Especially my son already knows how to write ABC and there is no rule on how to write ABC as long as they look like ABC. Not so with Chinese Character. The first week my son went to Chinese school, he draw cars on all of his homework papers and even glued them to make an airplane ! He has no idea what homework is . He did not understand when the teacher speak Chinese to him. He understood simple daily conversation like eat, drink, naughty, sleep. Nothing prepare him for school words.
Helping my son doing his homework takes a whole day especially when I don't even want to try to pronouce the word because I know I will probably ruin it for him since my intonation is all wrong. So I left that part for my husband. But I can help him with the writing since I took a short couse of Chinese before.
Then start from this week, my son has to go to 3 extra classes that his father enroll him. On Tuesday it's a Clay Making class. On Wednesday is Tap Dancing class and on Friday is Gym class. So far we have been to the clay making class and he loves it ! Which boy who does not love playing with mud looking substance ? Then yesterday my son absolutely refused to join the tap dancing class. So we can only watch from the side. We haven't been to the Gym class yet so I can't tell if he likes it or not. It was nice as well that every classes he went so far always has his Montessori classmates there. So he knows someone there at least. I guess maybe I am the last parent who send their kid to take some of this fun short courses in Community Centre.
Alright, I think that pretty much covers my whole month diary. Haha.. it was fast short enough isnt it?

Look at our hands all dirty with the clay and we love it !

Kai Kai is trying to make his masterpiece. After finish today, the teacher will burn the clay for next week class.

My son showing off his clay worm to the teacher. This week is his first time to go to the Clay Building class at Minoru Community Centre.

Nathan, my nephew, isn't he so cute?

Playing together at the indoor playground in Kids Market.

The view of inside the Puppets & Kites Store from above.

My cousin Eliza standing in front of Puppets & Kites Store in Kids Market, Granville Island.

At the Vancouver Aquarium.

Eating out in Vancouver is like heaven. We had a great big dim sum lunch today.

Kai Kai said he loves Nathan very much when he saw me posting this photo.

Kai Kai also loves to hold hand with Nathan. Well... with everybody else too actually.

Kai Kai wants to be a big brother to Nathan his younger cousin. He even wants to help Nathan wears his shoes.I think he will be a great big brother someday. He truly cares about Nathan. He always tells Nathan to be carefull.

Kai Kai's writing Chinese.

Kai Kai's first time to do his Chinese homework with papa's help.

Lansdowne Carnival 2005

We will definitely come again next year to this Carnival !

"I won this dragon in the Carnival. I love it ! Last year I won a Clown fish that is still my favorite also"

Again the lady who was in charge of this ride is so nice too, she stop the car at the best photo spot then even invite me to enter so I can be close enough to take KK's photo.

The guy who in charge of this ride is so nice, he saw that I could not get a good clear shot of KK , so at the end of the ride, he dragged it closer so I can make this photo shot.

Kai Kai on the super slide. This is the slide where later he will bump his head. Lucky it was only loud but the pain went away pretty fast.

Helicopter ride.

My son loves to ride this boom boom car ! To bad here he is not allowed to drive it, in Indonesia he is allowed to drive it as long as he sit on his father's lap. Different country different rules.

My son looks so happy. He did not scared at all even though I am....

Look how excited Kai Kai is riding this fast ride ! He insist on sitting at the front !

My son loves to ride old cars and this car looks like his favorite car. He just loves it!

We will definitely come again next year to this Carnival !

"I won this dragon in the Carnival. I love it ! Last year I won a Clown fish that is still my favorite also"

Again the lady who was in charge of this ride is so nice too, she stop the car at the best photo spot then even invite me to enter so I can be close enough to take KK's photo.

The guy who in charge of this ride is so nice, he saw that I could not get a good clear shot of KK , so at the end of the ride, he dragged it closer so I can make this photo shot.

Kai Kai on the super slide. This is the slide where later he will bump his head. Lucky it was only loud but the pain went away pretty fast.

Helicopter ride.

My son loves to ride this boom boom car ! To bad here he is not allowed to drive it, in Indonesia he is allowed to drive it as long as he sit on his father's lap. Different country different rules.

My son looks so happy. He did not scared at all even though I am....

Look how excited Kai Kai is riding this fast ride ! He insist on sitting at the front !

My son loves to ride old cars and this car looks like his favorite car. He just loves it!

I am riding a cool bike in Lansdowne Carnival

"I love you so much"

Smiling at the flowers.

"I love you"

Pulling Papa along for a ride.

Wonderfull spring day at Stanley Park.

Swinging in Stanley Park.

Back to Stanley Park Playground.

Under the flowering tree in VanDusen.

Relaxing in VanDusen Botanical Garden.

Touching the starfish in Vancouver Aquarium.

A day in Stanley Park.
