School's Year End Soccer Party
For this year end party, Kai Kai school throw a soccer party at a nearby park. For each child, the parents has to pay $ 15 so that they can buy a soccer ball for the child to bring home.
When we arrived, the weather was bad, it rained a little but soon after even though it was still cloudy, at least the rain has stopped. First activity was like a warmed up practice. The children was grouped into 4 groups, Mexico Group, Korea Group ( This is Kai Kai's group ), etc. Then they start doing a certain practice and take turn.
After that, each child can play soccer with their parent. Off course Kai Kai played with Richard and not me, I am watching from the side line with La La.
Then it's time for all the fathers to play soccer. They are group into 4 groups. It was fun to watch them play, some of them are really good at soccer!

Above: Kai Kai watching the father's soccer game from the side line .
Then it's time for all mommies to play. Again they are grouped into 4 groups. I really don't want to play soccer so I hide a little, ehm.... I would rather shoot pictures of them playing.

Above: The lady in pink sweater is Miss Linda, she is the owner of the school and also Kai Kai's teacher. She is the sweetest woman in the world!

Just as I expected, mommies are a lot more competitive than daddies. While the men are laughing and teasing each other a lot. The mommies truly chasing the balls and using any way they can to get the ball and to score! 2 times some of them fell down because they are trying very hard to get the ball or because they get bumped by other players. Lucky I hide ....
I learn my lesson well that women likes to play dirty when they compete in sport. Just because we looks sweet and maybe weak, doesn't mean we can't play dirty! Jeez.... I played team sport 2 times in my life and each time I always get bumped, kicked, pushed, elbowed, hit, tripped etc .... Women are scary!!!
After that it's time for lunch. Each family bring a dish to this party. Since the day before at Jessica's birthday party I made too much lemon bars, I still had more than half to bring to the school party today. The teacher told me that my Lemon bar is a big hit! Well... good to know that.
We sit at the same table with our close friends. So we had a lot of fun until we were the last one to go home beside the teachers.

As usual, La La was as sweet as ever. She did not mind at all being carried by other moms. She just smiled at them when they teased her.

Kai Kai really enjoy this soccer party. Even though he is not that great at it but at least he enjoyed playing it without getting hurt.
It's so cute to see those children running around together ....

Above: Kai Kai, James, and Sebastian

Above: At the end of the party, some kids asked their friends to sign their soccer ball as a memento.

Above: Mr.Mark busy being the coordinator of the soccer game.
