Happy 5 Months Birthday La La!
My sweet little baby is 5 months old now.
Now she can flip to her tummy by herself very easily but somehow she refuse to re-learn how to flip back on her back. She can do that few weeks ago but now for what ever the reason is, she forgot again. As she forgot to call me mama again.
Because she doesn't want to flip to her back on her own, when she is tired she will be cranky but yet when we help to flip her to her back, she will automatically roll to her tummy again like a reflex and she does this by whining because actually she is tired. So what we can do to stop her from rolling back again to her tummy is by distracting her ...
I tried to feed her solid but so far she did not know yet that she is suppose to swallow the food. This is a bit confusing, when I was in the States, my doctor told me to feed Kai Kai when is 6 months old but here my doctor told me to feed La La since she was 4 months old. I tried to feed her now that she is 5 months old but she doesn't want to swallow the food yet so I stop feeding her. I will try again next month.
She knows too that when she wants me to stay with her when I walk away, all she has to do is just scream! Hahaha....and mommy will running back to her again!!!
Luckily, she is just like her brother, both of them loves to play on their crib. I put lots of electonic toys hanging on the crib's gate.
So at night, she slept around 8 - 9 PM. She can sleep through the night until 7 - 8 AM the next morning. Then I enter her room to change her diaper and feed her milk and I have to left her again because then I have to feed Kai Kai his breakfast. She usually play by herself and soon she will fall asleep again until 12 ! Then she finally ready to face the day. I fed her again and play with her until around 3 - 4 PM when she is tired and wants to nap again. My life is good!!!
She drinks about almost a litter a day now. Too bad that my family doctor is on vacation right now because actually I am due to bring her to his office for weighing her weight so I can not write here what her weight is right now.
This baby girl surely knows how to sweet talk to her daddy. When she is with me she laugh a lot. But when she saw her daddy comes home from work, she wants him to carry her around and while she snuggle in his arm, she loves to whisper to her daddy for a long time! Amazing because she doesn't do this to me. She always have a big grin when she is with me but when she is with Richard, she becomes all soft, sweet and gooey on him!!! Exactly what Richard's wants....hahaha.... I can just see it when she is teenagers and wants to get her way with her daddy, all she needs to do just say " Daddy..."
Have you ever smell love? Yes, smell ... I love ( Richard too ) to sniff at her smell, before a bath or after a bath it doesn't make any different. I wish I can bottle her smell because just a small sniff of her fragrance it spell LOVABLE big time! It's so addicting!!!!
When I smell her, I felt my heart just melt like a warm honey liquid....all warm and sweet....
And when I hear he laughter...I felt so much JOY!

Now she can flip to her tummy by herself very easily but somehow she refuse to re-learn how to flip back on her back. She can do that few weeks ago but now for what ever the reason is, she forgot again. As she forgot to call me mama again.
Because she doesn't want to flip to her back on her own, when she is tired she will be cranky but yet when we help to flip her to her back, she will automatically roll to her tummy again like a reflex and she does this by whining because actually she is tired. So what we can do to stop her from rolling back again to her tummy is by distracting her ...
I tried to feed her solid but so far she did not know yet that she is suppose to swallow the food. This is a bit confusing, when I was in the States, my doctor told me to feed Kai Kai when is 6 months old but here my doctor told me to feed La La since she was 4 months old. I tried to feed her now that she is 5 months old but she doesn't want to swallow the food yet so I stop feeding her. I will try again next month.
She knows too that when she wants me to stay with her when I walk away, all she has to do is just scream! Hahaha....and mommy will running back to her again!!!
Luckily, she is just like her brother, both of them loves to play on their crib. I put lots of electonic toys hanging on the crib's gate.
So at night, she slept around 8 - 9 PM. She can sleep through the night until 7 - 8 AM the next morning. Then I enter her room to change her diaper and feed her milk and I have to left her again because then I have to feed Kai Kai his breakfast. She usually play by herself and soon she will fall asleep again until 12 ! Then she finally ready to face the day. I fed her again and play with her until around 3 - 4 PM when she is tired and wants to nap again. My life is good!!!
She drinks about almost a litter a day now. Too bad that my family doctor is on vacation right now because actually I am due to bring her to his office for weighing her weight so I can not write here what her weight is right now.
This baby girl surely knows how to sweet talk to her daddy. When she is with me she laugh a lot. But when she saw her daddy comes home from work, she wants him to carry her around and while she snuggle in his arm, she loves to whisper to her daddy for a long time! Amazing because she doesn't do this to me. She always have a big grin when she is with me but when she is with Richard, she becomes all soft, sweet and gooey on him!!! Exactly what Richard's wants....hahaha.... I can just see it when she is teenagers and wants to get her way with her daddy, all she needs to do just say " Daddy..."
Have you ever smell love? Yes, smell ... I love ( Richard too ) to sniff at her smell, before a bath or after a bath it doesn't make any different. I wish I can bottle her smell because just a small sniff of her fragrance it spell LOVABLE big time! It's so addicting!!!!
When I smell her, I felt my heart just melt like a warm honey liquid....all warm and sweet....
And when I hear he laughter...I felt so much JOY!

kayake persis banget dg daddy nya ya :)