Parents Night at School

This story actually happen more than 1 week ago but I am too busy lately to edit my photos and to update my blog even now...
There are many things that happen in the last 1 week. This was one of them.
In Kai Kai's school, every term ( 2 terms in a year ), we are always invited several times to his school. One is to observe our child when he is in the school doing the school's work. Then soon, we are going to be invited to discuss about it with the teachers. They show us our child's works, then we talk about it, and we are always welcome to discuss with them if we have any concern about our child. I usually asked what can I do to help teach our son at home so that he can improve his school learning even more.

Then this night, it's for parents to come to the school to play and learn together with our child. Our own child will guide us through. He/she will pick what they want us to know on what they learn at school. Than, we do it together with his guidance. This way, parents will always aware on what their chidren actually learn at school and what else we want them to learn. For example, Richard, since 2 of his majors are in Math and Physic, he always wants Kai Kai to be strong at those 2 subjects. So when I met the teachers I told them to increase Kai Kai's learning on that 2 subjects. This is the beauty of small class school. They can tailored the children's learning based on parents requirement.

I wish my old school can do this to me!!! Boy... it's a sad...sad things to compare my school days with my children's school days! Canada has a special education system. If you send your kids to public school, they are not going to have any test/exam until they are on fourth grade! Can you believe that? I am not to sure why they do this. Is that because they wants children to have a positive outlook on school, to love school instead of hating their school like I did before??? Who knows...
But if you send your kids to Private school then I think they will still have to have test/exams. It's definitely harder than public school.

All the parents love to come to the school to see how their children progress term by term. Montessori educational system is really good for Kai Kai. It let him flourish on his own pace. I wish I went to Montessori school myself! I wouldn't be so allergic to school like I was before!

So, Kai Kai showed us what he learn using all the school's educational tools. He learns how electricity works using battery. He learns about making beautiful arts with colorful wood pieces. He learns about matching game. So many things to show us. The possibility is endless ... I am so glad I send him to Montessori school based on my aunt's recommendation.

This kind of night is not just for us to know how our chidren progressing through his school but it's also a great chance for parents to mingling with other parents. To socialize. To learn from one another on how we rear our children. And because our school is such a tight community, even parents help each other out for example by doing car pools, even baby sitting each other children when one of us is sick or we just had to do something important and we could not bring our children with us. It's just great....
Video Clip: Kai Kai learning about electricity using battery.
Video Clip: Kai Kai doing the map puzzle, he loves geography very much, unlike his mom...ehem....
Video Clip: Kai Kai learning and playing with PVC tube (?)