Jessica's Birthday Party

Last week, we were invited to Jessica's 4 years old birthday party at her home. Like usual her mom, which is my friend, MaryAnn,has a lot more imagination than moi. Even the invitation that she gave me is so unique, a plastic bag with a piece of paper containing the birthday information then that bag is also filled with white sand, tiny shells in it for a Mermaid theme birthday party.

First thing to do in the party is each kid has to write his own name tag. Then they can make their own keepsake, a stepping stone for their garden.
If they want to, the kids can asked for their face painted by one of the adult.

Then MaryAnn told them to follow her step, from walking this way, then slide on that slide, balance on that balancing beam, then you can make bubbles, and at last you can grab your own candy that she hang on the tree. Inside the candy there is an instruction on what you have to do, like hug a friend etc.

Above: My dear darling baby doesn't understand what the excitement is all about yet, she sit quietly on her car seat while older kids running around her screaming their heads off.
Then It's time to beat the heck out of a mermaid pinata ! It turn out the pinata is tougher than we all expected. The kids take turn on beating it again and again but it couldn't brake until MaryAnn has to give if a little help by creating a hole there first. But at then end it did break and the first child that scream and ran to grab the candies that fell out from the pinata was Kai Kai, too bad , I did not expect him to make a spectacle of himself like that so I miss videotaping it.

Above: I thought this is a good idea to give Kai Kai a chance to spend all those energy by beating the pinata so hard ... You can see the different between the boys and the girls on the 2 pictures above at how gently they hit the pinata compare to Kai Kai.

Above: The children ran to get their own share of candies that fell out from the Pinata.

Above: Kai Kai running away with his loots ...

Above: La La sleeping peacefully in her daddy's arms.
Then it's time to cut the cake off course and everybody enjoy a piece ( or more ) of the cake ....

Above: While the girls enjoy the sweet cake, the boys prefer to still hit the pinata again and again .... jeez...

Above: 2 girls are watching the boys while enjoying their cakes.
Last but definitely not least for Jessica was time to open the gifts. Last week when I went to the aquarium ( I told you about I lost pictures that I took in there because of computer's problem? ) I saw this cute mermaid mirror and a mermaid doll, perfect for Jessica's mermaid birthday party. I hope she likes my gift...

Above: You can see a happy child in this photo ...
I also brought my lemon bar, the recipe you can get it from my Recipe Blog.