My Little Helper

Now that I am in my 28 weeks of pregnancy. My doctor told me that from now on he wants me to be on bed rest at home. I have been dreading this but I understand. It's hard for me to be idle on the bed but at least I am glad that he doesn't sent me to stay on the bed at the hospital like my pregnancy with my son. I will miss my son and my husband so much if I have to stay in the hospital.
It was hard on my husband though, because he has to do everything for us. He has to drive KK to school and pick him up then go back to work again. Then on the way home he still has to stop to buy food ( luckily we live in Richmond where food are cheap and everywhere! ), grocery too. Then at home, he needs to do some cleaning too and give our son a bath. Etc....
And my son... he did his part too to help me out. Without being told, he scrub the sink in my kitchen for me. When he is hungry after coming back from school. He made sandwich on his own. Sometimes he even made for us too and he will bring them to us!
I also let him make his own cookies....
I am glad that he is old enough to understand my situation and to be able to help me out too. He never complaint when he has to entertain himself downstair while I have to be on my bed upstair. When he is hungry and looking for snack he will eat bananas, mandarin oranges, or he will prepare his own sandwich and cereal. Later when his daddy brought home the food, he will eat again with us.
He likes to come to see me too in my room just to let me know that he loves me so much and miss me. Then usually he will tell me about his activity today.
And today after his soccer practice he accompanied Richard to a grocery store. At home he gave me a very cute ginger bread man as a gift because he loves me he said .....
I am so proud of him....