Splish Splash!

Now that we are more settle down in Surabaya. We started to join an International Church based on my bestfriend's invitation ( thanks Arief, I know you read my blog sometime! ). This church is located inside Supermall, the biggest mall in Surabaya and a few weeks ago I saw someone sell inflated children swimming pools in many different shapes but at that time I did not think to buy it yet. Now that the weather here is just getting hotter every day, that children swimming pools just getting more attractive to me! So finally I decided to buy it for my children ...
Too bad that I was not the only person in Surabaya who suddenly has this great idea. By the time we are ready to buy it, most of them already sold out! There are only 2 choices left. The one I bought cost about Rp.200,000 or US $ 20.
And it worth every cent of it ...
I love to see both KK and LL's expression when they play in this swimming pool. For LL safety, I only filled it with water for less than half of it's depth because I don't want LL to be scared at all of her first swimming experience. So even though she fell face down, she won't drown in it. But off course it's almost impossible for her to drown when so many people were there to watch her play!
At one time KK accidently splash water to her face, good thing is, she did not cry and he kiss her later to show her that it was an accident and he loves her.
So here is the photos and the video clips of them playing in that pool together.

Pic: Always looking up to her big brother.