Sport Day 2007
Last week was a rude awakening for me. I went to school with my cousin Lusi because I thought that day we will have some sort of PTA meeting for Elementary students' parents. But then I found out that actually it was the day when my son had to perform his science drama at the Little Theater room. What make it worse, I have been busy practicing the songs for that performance with my son. I was the one who cares so much about it and then I didn't know that that day was THE day!
How did that happen??? Well... I know I have no excuse. The story is like this...
Every week we always receive a school weekly news report and it contain news from kinder garden students up to high school. It's a lot of nonsense that has nothing to do with me I thought. I am too lazy to read it! So usually I just stick the weekly school report to the fridge with magnets and forget about it. I am so used to the way Montessori teachers back in Canada always inform us again and again about what event they were going to have. But here in this new school because it IS larger and it has more classes off course they have to put all of the news in that weekly report. While back in Montessori we only have a monthly school report.
Imagine how bad I felt when I saw only the end of my son performance where he and all his classmates sing together the last song and I did not even get the chance to hear his 3, yes... THREE, individual songs!!! And to make it even way more worse.... I forgot to carry my camera!!! I almost never leave home without a camera in my purse and today of all the days, I left it at my computer desk!!!!
I really want to cry in the darkness of that Little Theater room ...
Even my cousin cell phone's camera could not help much since it's too dark in there and we are about 5 meter away from the stage if not more.
Since then I have been very vigilant with the school event. For the first time I sit down in front of my computer and trying to make a cute Hallmarks style calendar just so that I always knows when I should go to school and record my son activities.
It took a awhile for me to decipher the news letter but I managed to do it. Now I have a complete agenda for his school. Off course there is always new changes to add and I am ready for that with my new trusty Hallmarks software!
It was great to know that I am up to date with the current news about my son school! It was great when other mom tried to remind me that we will have another PTA meeting on this date or that and I can say " Yes! I know, it's May 12Th right??? "....
I was surprise though that there are only few parents who showed up today! Most of them are volunteer for this event. I wonder where are those parents??? Don't they care??? Now that I know exactly that my son is going to perform, I would not miss to see him today!!!
The teachers actually asked me if I would like to volunteer but I really have to decline because I think they kids can go on without me but I don't think I want to miss this first opportunity to video tape my son's first Sport Day! Plus, Richard who really couldn't come today already beg me to tape everything that he will miss. He is like me, we both don't want to miss our children first experience in anything! I am so lucky that I am NOT a man with a job to do! Yeah...yeah...yeah... I work too in my parents company but it's still different right? Between mommy's responsibility for their kids than with the daddies. Hence PTA members are mostly if not all are mommies ...
So I was busy there following my son's team with my cameras.
This is also my first time to know what Sport Day means. I thought Elementary means from first grader till sixth grader are there but my son said there are only until fifth grader. The teachers made 7 teams that consist of a mixture from first grader up till fifth grader. So the older kids are the leader and the younger kids have to follow their way. Off course there is a teacher for each team. My son is the white team and the teacher is their own PE teacher, Mr. P.
First they compete at soccer, next is running relay, then tug-a-war, and then they went inside the aerobics room. From there they went back to the gym. They were also tested for their accuracy with hockey, throwing bean bags into 4 small holes, and throw Frisbees into 3 hoops that they hang on the air. Then they play jump a rope together in a line.
From there they move to basketball and sack race. At the end of the game, there were some refreshment provided for the students too.
Close to the end of the game, I had a conversation with a kind Korean lady about where is Korean Mart in Surabaya. She was curious at why I am interested to go there. I told her that I love Korean food and there are some things that I would like to buy from there. One of them is the baby shrimps that they brined for one of the ingredients for making Kim-Chee. She was kind enough to give them for free to me with 2 added bonuses of her home-made Kim-Chee and her daikon radish kim-chee. On Monday I will pick them up from her in the school.
Well... that's all folks.... and goodnight....
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