Dedicating My Baby To God
I don't remember how old I was when my parents brought me to their church to be dedicated to God, but my son was dedicated to God when he was about a year old, I think the same age as La La, 14 months old. We dedicated him at Beaverton Four Square Church in Portland, Oregon on 2001 by the late Pastor Ron Mehl. We miss Pastor Ron Mehl very much till this day ...
And now it's my baby girl's turn and I couldn't be more sure than having Pastor Tom to be the one to do this. He is truly a man of God. And I couldn't be happier than having Pastor Hannah to sing the song for today. She is an inspiration to all of us on how to love God above all else.
Then yesterday I went to buy her a pair of white shoes that can match with her dress and a white shoes for myself also since I don't have a pair of white shoes.
So today is the day and today is a good day for her because she woke up from her nap very fresh right before we went to church. So she is in a very happy mood.
When it was time to be dedicated, she was pretty serious, she watched Pastor Tom when he anointed her forehead with oil. Pastor Tom also anointed me, Richard, and Kai Kai too.
There were several other families that also stand next to us to dedicated their children to God but I can see that everybody eyes are on La La because she is too adorable. Other babies are either sleeping or whining and the older kids look sullen only La La has the happy face!
When we were dismissed and everybody start to leave the room, I still stayed with La La because she walk to the musicians ( yes she can walk now on April 1st ) and listen to their music while dancing a bit with happy face! Pastor Tom even dance with her too, I tried to upload the video of them dancing together but the file is too large for YouTube! Then she grab a tissue to wipe her own nose! This is amazing, the difference between a boy and a girl. Kai Kai always doesn't want to wipe his nose and when we wipe his nose, he always push our hands away. He is comfortable with being dirty. But La La is really like a girl. She can't stand yucky stuff. When she has runny nose, she can point at the tissue box and said " Mau...mau...mau" or in English means " Want...want....want". Then if you give her the tissue she will directly use it to wipe her nose, my mom even saw her several times blow her own nose !!!!
At one time, when I let her eat on her own, like any other babies, she made a mess on her face. But after a while she start to complain because she didn't like the feeling of yogurt stuck all over her face. When we took her to the bathroom, she was so impatient, she just climb to her tub right away! With Kai Kai, I have to threaten him first so he will take a bath or brush his teeth, but with her, we have to distract her so she will want to come out of her bath tub!
Anyway.... I keep getting distracted because I have not telling you how much she has grown.
So yes, everyday I thank Him for blessing us with these 2 wonderful children.