Why Do Canadians Still Salute to the Queen of England?
On May 23rd Canadian is celebrating the Victoria Day where we still pay tribute to QueenVictoria of England. And one of my husband co-worker explains why Canadian still pay tribute to the Queen. Well, he said because Canadian are trying to find any excuse so they can have an extra holiday to enjoy!
Whether that is right or wrong, I don't know, but on this holiday that happens to be a long weekend, Richard decided to go to Portland again. We used to live there and we even got married and had a baby there too.
Since on Saturday Kai Kai has to go to his Chinese Class until noon, we started late around 3 PM. Originally we planed to drive nonstop to Portland but on the way there we got side tracked by the new Premium Outlet Stores just 1.5 hours from our home. Boy... talk about temptation.... We ended up spending over 2 hours there !

So from there Richard drove straight to Portland but because it was too late, we decided to sleep our first night in Dean's home. Dean is my husband's co-worker before. We used to have a house that near to each other too. Dean's wife is the flight attendant in China Airlines ( Taiwanese Airlines Company) , unless you have the dough to buy first class ticket, you won't see her there though.Their daughter's name is Amelia. Kai Kai loves to play with her and be her big brother.

Next morning, we went to shop some more in Downtown Portland because we knew where the best bargain was! This is the best thing about visiting your old home area, you just know where everything is!


From downtown, we went to the Zoo. When we entered the zoo, the weather was ok, then before we walked further down, we went to the bathroom for few minutes. And when we went out guess what?? It was raining heavily mixing with hails !!!! I was lucky that it's only less than 15 minutes since I bought the tickets so I got full refund on them.
And since the weather was terrible, we went to Beaverton. This was also where we used to live. It's just one of the suburb area in Portland Metro Area. It's where Nike and Intel headquaters are. Basically we were just driving around the memory lane. Telling our son like this is the hospital where you were born. This is our old rental home before. This is where mommy used to shop for the grocery. My son loves it.

Then after the memory tour ended, I called my cousin Liza whose house is what we were suppose to sleep in last night so she can meet us in Target Store's parking lot because I am planning to take her to eat Korean food in a very very tiny restaurant that has no name ! Yeah.. that's why she needs me to find this spot! But when we arrived there, we found out that there are new owners there now. Luckily the food not only still taste great but they have more food in the menu. Before only about 15 choices. Only Koreans people know this spot. And not all of them. And only hardcore Korean Food Lovers like us who will take the trouble of asking every Koreans who live in Portland where their favorite restaurant is !!!! We ordered so much food but we truly enjoy all of them. Even the noodle was freshly made in front of us by the chef ( a lady).
After stuffing ourselves silly, we drive back to Liza's home, except for my husband who wants to see his old co-workers again.
Let me tell you about my cousin's home. She bought an older home in a great area near the exclusive area in Portland. As you know,usually the older the house gets, the uglier it gets as well. Not with my dear cousin's though. I mean... every time I went to her home is like her home's get another face lift ! It's just getting better and better everytime I went there ! She always has another home improvement project going. While doing all this home improvements thing, she still manage to care for her son so well, cook amazing dishes, and please, don't even let me started on how clean her home is. I am talking about you can probably use the floor as your plate when you eat ! It's not just about sterile, it's about cozy as well, because she is an interior decorator major before. Her house is ecclectic, even the photos on the walls that I thought she bought from the store were actually hers and her husband's, Sani. While if you go to my home and you open my freezers (2 freezers) you better step behind fast before there is an avalance of frozen meats fall and crush your toes ! It just happen last week actually, and I am still limping..... so sad. Or if you open my pantry and try to find something, you really have to take most of them out first before you can locate what you want because I do have tons of stuff there. But when I open my cousin's boy... it's so neat and none of them expired. She did garage sale regularly to purge her homes from mess ! Unbelivable but actually when I was there, she just have another garage sale again. She is amazing. A down to earth Martha Stewart without the jail thingy. She is my idol for being the best house wife in the world! If you want to see her cooking, you can visit her site at the links on this page. Before I forgot,she also taught me how to carefully monitor your financial and how to save your money wisely so you are able to afford all those travels and home improvement projects like she is ! Jeez.... is there anything that she can't do???? Amazing. Every time I met her I learn new thing important.... FYI she is only 2 years older than me.
Anyway.... back to my trip, the next day Liza took me to see the exclusive houses around the Lake Oswago. It was fun because she knows where we can stop and take lots of pictures.






Then she took me the local shopping district.



Over there our sons play in the water playground until wet...wet...wet... but since they have so much fun, that's ok, plus I also have tons of fun taking their pictures.






Then we eat ice cream

and Liza bought me custom made chocolate that is just so beautifull that so far I have not eaten yet because.... they are so pretty and I like looking at them again and again.... hahaha.....no, that's not true, I am eating them right this second while my hands are busy typing this entry.... so ( munch... munch...munch ) some of them are shaped like little puppy and kittens, some are dusted with real gold leaves, they are pure indulgent. Thanks Liza !

Kai Kai loves his little brother Nathan very much.

About my nephew Nathan. He has the cutest smile on a little boy. When he smile, his whole face lit up. And if you see him from the side, he has a very cute profile and made me wish I am a painter. He also has a very tender heart, very gentle. Since Sani's mom is part caucasian, Nathan skin is amazingly white and pink ! Beautiful skin ! Both our sons loves to play with each other so much ! And I think they are good to each other. A good match.
So after that we separated, she return to her home with my nephew Nathan, and we went to the zoo. This time the weather is perfect. They have 2 new attarctions, one is the butterfly garden, the other is parakeet house. They are both fun to visit since those butterflies and parakeets are flying and perch on your body. You can feed the birds with juice too. They love it. Then it's time to go back to Vancouver. My husband drove all the way home nonstop and we finally arrive in our home around 11 o'clock at night.






Whether that is right or wrong, I don't know, but on this holiday that happens to be a long weekend, Richard decided to go to Portland again. We used to live there and we even got married and had a baby there too.
Since on Saturday Kai Kai has to go to his Chinese Class until noon, we started late around 3 PM. Originally we planed to drive nonstop to Portland but on the way there we got side tracked by the new Premium Outlet Stores just 1.5 hours from our home. Boy... talk about temptation.... We ended up spending over 2 hours there !


So from there Richard drove straight to Portland but because it was too late, we decided to sleep our first night in Dean's home. Dean is my husband's co-worker before. We used to have a house that near to each other too. Dean's wife is the flight attendant in China Airlines ( Taiwanese Airlines Company) , unless you have the dough to buy first class ticket, you won't see her there though.Their daughter's name is Amelia. Kai Kai loves to play with her and be her big brother.

Next morning, we went to shop some more in Downtown Portland because we knew where the best bargain was! This is the best thing about visiting your old home area, you just know where everything is!



From downtown, we went to the Zoo. When we entered the zoo, the weather was ok, then before we walked further down, we went to the bathroom for few minutes. And when we went out guess what?? It was raining heavily mixing with hails !!!! I was lucky that it's only less than 15 minutes since I bought the tickets so I got full refund on them.
And since the weather was terrible, we went to Beaverton. This was also where we used to live. It's just one of the suburb area in Portland Metro Area. It's where Nike and Intel headquaters are. Basically we were just driving around the memory lane. Telling our son like this is the hospital where you were born. This is our old rental home before. This is where mommy used to shop for the grocery. My son loves it.

Then after the memory tour ended, I called my cousin Liza whose house is what we were suppose to sleep in last night so she can meet us in Target Store's parking lot because I am planning to take her to eat Korean food in a very very tiny restaurant that has no name ! Yeah.. that's why she needs me to find this spot! But when we arrived there, we found out that there are new owners there now. Luckily the food not only still taste great but they have more food in the menu. Before only about 15 choices. Only Koreans people know this spot. And not all of them. And only hardcore Korean Food Lovers like us who will take the trouble of asking every Koreans who live in Portland where their favorite restaurant is !!!! We ordered so much food but we truly enjoy all of them. Even the noodle was freshly made in front of us by the chef ( a lady).
After stuffing ourselves silly, we drive back to Liza's home, except for my husband who wants to see his old co-workers again.
Let me tell you about my cousin's home. She bought an older home in a great area near the exclusive area in Portland. As you know,usually the older the house gets, the uglier it gets as well. Not with my dear cousin's though. I mean... every time I went to her home is like her home's get another face lift ! It's just getting better and better everytime I went there ! She always has another home improvement project going. While doing all this home improvements thing, she still manage to care for her son so well, cook amazing dishes, and please, don't even let me started on how clean her home is. I am talking about you can probably use the floor as your plate when you eat ! It's not just about sterile, it's about cozy as well, because she is an interior decorator major before. Her house is ecclectic, even the photos on the walls that I thought she bought from the store were actually hers and her husband's, Sani. While if you go to my home and you open my freezers (2 freezers) you better step behind fast before there is an avalance of frozen meats fall and crush your toes ! It just happen last week actually, and I am still limping..... so sad. Or if you open my pantry and try to find something, you really have to take most of them out first before you can locate what you want because I do have tons of stuff there. But when I open my cousin's boy... it's so neat and none of them expired. She did garage sale regularly to purge her homes from mess ! Unbelivable but actually when I was there, she just have another garage sale again. She is amazing. A down to earth Martha Stewart without the jail thingy. She is my idol for being the best house wife in the world! If you want to see her cooking, you can visit her site at the links on this page. Before I forgot,she also taught me how to carefully monitor your financial and how to save your money wisely so you are able to afford all those travels and home improvement projects like she is ! Jeez.... is there anything that she can't do???? Amazing. Every time I met her I learn new thing important.... FYI she is only 2 years older than me.
Anyway.... back to my trip, the next day Liza took me to see the exclusive houses around the Lake Oswago. It was fun because she knows where we can stop and take lots of pictures.







Then she took me the local shopping district.




Over there our sons play in the water playground until wet...wet...wet... but since they have so much fun, that's ok, plus I also have tons of fun taking their pictures.







Then we eat ice cream


and Liza bought me custom made chocolate that is just so beautifull that so far I have not eaten yet because.... they are so pretty and I like looking at them again and again.... hahaha.....no, that's not true, I am eating them right this second while my hands are busy typing this entry.... so ( munch... munch...munch ) some of them are shaped like little puppy and kittens, some are dusted with real gold leaves, they are pure indulgent. Thanks Liza !

Kai Kai loves his little brother Nathan very much.


About my nephew Nathan. He has the cutest smile on a little boy. When he smile, his whole face lit up. And if you see him from the side, he has a very cute profile and made me wish I am a painter. He also has a very tender heart, very gentle. Since Sani's mom is part caucasian, Nathan skin is amazingly white and pink ! Beautiful skin ! Both our sons loves to play with each other so much ! And I think they are good to each other. A good match.
So after that we separated, she return to her home with my nephew Nathan, and we went to the zoo. This time the weather is perfect. They have 2 new attarctions, one is the butterfly garden, the other is parakeet house. They are both fun to visit since those butterflies and parakeets are flying and perch on your body. You can feed the birds with juice too. They love it. Then it's time to go back to Vancouver. My husband drove all the way home nonstop and we finally arrive in our home around 11 o'clock at night.






