Army Of God Crusade, 14-16 May 2009, Surabaya, Indonesia

From May 14 till 16, 2009, I was involved in the Army Of God Crusade that is being held in the old airport Juanda runway in Surabaya, Indonesia. This event is done by my church, Mawar Sharon ( Rose of Sharon ).
We have an amazing, over-the-head, mind-blowing, experiences in this crusade ! Absolutely indescribable unless you can be there yourself to experience it with me.
I am so blessed that our church leaders place me and my husband to be the companion of one of the speaker, Rev. Jonathan Chow from the Bread of Life Church in Taiwan that sponsored both crusades that I went to in Taipei, Taiwan, in 2008 and 2009.
Rev. Jonathan Chow is such a sweet man and very anointed too as a teacher of the Word of God. The more we get to know him during this time the more we love him as a person and the more we respected him as a man of God. His preaches can move you to tears ! They are just so touching and helpful. Absolutely sweet.
Our very busy scheduled started from May 12 when we go to the Airport to pick up Jonathan with some other friends too who also have to pick up their own assigned guests. Then we brought them first to check-in in the hotel, then dinner together in the hotel.
The next day, we had half a day of free time before we have to bring him to Juanda airport because some of his friends like Rev. Jaeson Ma, Ps. Philip Mantofa, and Van Ness Wu, a member of the famous boy band F4 would be interviewed by 40 local reporters and few groups of international reporters too.
The next day is the Asia For Jesus Conference. So in the daytime, at Mawar Sharon Church we have a conference then at night time is the crusade. If in the daytime I received a more in depth lesson from the speakers then at night time is the time to put that lesson into use or to see the proof that the lesson I get is true. At daytime I learn to have more faith then at night time I put that new and improve faith from God to use for praying so that not a single soul will escape from salvation.
When I am writing this entry , months has passed so a lot of details are gone now. Oops!
But I hope a pictures can speak a thousand words, so since I showed you more than one picture I hope this entry ( minus my writing) can speak thousand and thousand of words to you !!

For more info about Jaeson, you can visit his blog. He has a very neat blog with so many knowledge about God that will sure to help you.