My Baby Girl Is Going To Preschool

We were like that too with KK. We were worried that he will cry for a week looking for his mommy and daddy. Then we were worried that every morning we have to drag him to school. We will count the hours until we can rush to pick him up from school. Partly because we miss him so much already. We imagined that when we arrived in the school to pick him up we will see his face plastered on the glass door, watching and waiting for his parents to come and save him from the school.
So now when it is LL's turn to go to school for the first time, we were doubly worried because she is a girl, she is a lot more sensitive than KK, a lot less tough, she cried a lot easier with the least provocation. Worry....worry...worry....
With KK, our worries were proven wrong on all account. On his first day at school, not only we don't have to drag him off from the bed because he is so excited to go to school, he also did not cry at all, and in fact we have to dragged him home for the first week.
Well... this time we were half right. She did cry until the second week. Her teachers said she cried the loudest in the class....oops.... But, she can take care of herself. The teachers said that now if they heard her scream ( very very loud ), they know right away that someone must have touch her stuff. She really doesn't like it when her touch her crayons and stuff. On the other hand, she also never touch their stuff too.
After 2 months, suddenly she start to speak out in either English or Chinese or Bahasa or her baby languages. Now she talks a lot and very funny too. She is also good at sport ( unlike her mom thank GOD! ). She loves soccer, hahaha. She loves dancing too. She is still a bit shy at times, but she is getting better, now she wants to shake hands and say bye bye to new people.
Also, she eats much better when she is in the school with her friends. The school, Surabaya Taipei School, gave her morning snack and lunch too. I am very satisfied with this school. My daughter becomes very polite and she said if she is good, the teacher will give her a sticker, hahaha....
At home, she is a difficult eater. very picky, likes to spit out the food when she gets bored chewing at her food. But at the school, she always eats by herself, never spit out the food, and even though she is the slowest eater ( my goodness! ), but she always finish her meal somehow....
I also applaud the school's cook for a job well done on cooking and planning a well-balance menu. I know, because we received a monthly menu list. For only Rp. 250.000 or US $ 21 / a month, she gets breakfast and lunch that consist of 3 - 4 meals.
Her school fee is US $ 1,000 / semester. For each class, they have 2 teachers. One is from Taiwan, and the other from Indonesia who will teach her English. Her teacher said that she is the student that improve the most in speaking English. I believe that's because KK mostly communicate with her in English at home.
Now after 3 months later, not only she stop crying, she is not scared to dance on the stage too on the grand opening of her school on this new building.
My little angel is a school girl now! She loves school so much, we never have a problem with waking her up in the morning. When KK is still not ready yet to go to school, she will keep calling him, " Come on, KK, let's go to school !!!!"...... hahaha.....
